i was stuck in that idea, until of course, i met a girl.
before i continue, you probably should've guessed from the title above, yes? it is about a girl. now there, please don't get me wrong about this. i have met a lot of girls; tons of them if you want me to accumulate their weight. some as friends, some were my significant other, some were just never had a good ending. heck, some even ended up as empty hook-ups.
moving on, just like any other blog i've ever stumbled upon, they would write about poems, essays, rants and they write a post or two about someone they hold dear to. someone who has a special place somewhere deep inside them. thus, i dedicate this post for her; who i hold dear the most.
i am a bad writer to say the least; at least in the most conventional sense. i am sorry, you, please don't get your hopes up for a deep meaningful writing. then again, it's just me, ranting.
i will tell you about her, she's just like any other girls out there, she has her bad hair days, she does her make up, she dresses up, she sprays on her perfume, she has her breakdowns, she's your tumblr-esque girl; she's just like any other girl out there. but what she has and what any other girls out there doesn't have is her quirks. one of her idiosyncrasy was always having those peculiar quirks.
you see, i didn't understand the slightest bit of her actions, of her words, some left me questioning myself at night. for someone who claims to hate, she sure made the fun out of it. it is confusing, really. for she would never fit my logic. i claimed to hate this world and despise it nevertheless could never see how to make the full out of this.
until i saw her, amidst the radiating heat from the sun and cars spitting carbon dioxide; she smiled.
for the first time ever, i whispered to the sky above that and wished to stay a little bit longer in this place.
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